Financially Sustaining Your Institute

Adequate funding is certainly a key consideration in planning your Institute. Costs can vary widely depending on your partner and in-kind resources (sample budget). Budgets often drive considerations like program length, registration fees, availability of scholarships or implementation grants, and travel subsidies. Partner organizations can contribute in-kind resources like staffing, presenters, facilities, administrative and communications support, or evaluation. If you have multiple partners, it’s critical to clarify roles and have a transparent decision-making structure. 

Planning your communications strategy can lay the groundwork for successful fundraising. Capturing and sharing stories of impact from participating schools as well as communicating outcomes and goals can generate interest from aligned partners and funders. Showing the program in action through video clips, written stories, testimonials, and photography can help you with recruitment and give teams a taste of what’s in store. 

Farm to School Institutes have relied on a wide array of federal, state, and private sources of funding. Below is a list of potential funding sources that have supported Institutes over the years. Grant priorities are constantly shifting so reach out for an exploratory conversation with funders whenever possible. Many funders are interested in a model that creates staying power for a farm to school grant - building your case for a positive return on investment that leads to transformation in schools and students is attractive for securing funding commitments.

Ideas for Funding your Farm to School Institute


  • USDA Farm to School Grants

  • FASLP NIFA Grants

  • Farm to School State Formula Grant

  • SAE Funds

  • Team Nutrition Grants

  • Community Food Project Grants

  • EPA Local Food, Local Places

  • CDC


  • Department of Health

  • Department of Education

  • Department of Agriculture

  • Department of Natural Resources, Forestry, Waste Management

  • Title IV Funding

  • 21st Century Community Learning

  • Specialty Crop Block Grants


  • Community Foundations

  • Business Sponsorships

    • Producer organizations

    • Buy Local organizations

  • Healthcare organizations

    • Hospital Foundations

    • Insurance Companies

  • Foundations

  • Obesity Prevention & Childhood Health organizations

  • Climate and Environmental Education Funders